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HTTP Proxy in iOS

This post is meant to be a reference for myself


In some cases, you might come across a development challenge, which is to develop and test your iOS apps towards a develop web service.

But mostly though as a best practice, there’s a staging and a production web server that should be setup for the api

But in my case, I had to manipulate the machine's host file to redirect a certain url to a different ip address


sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

and then hit return.

You should find a similar look like this, then add in the ip address of your server and its url
for example 192.168.x.x  www.google.com

This proxies the url with a redirected ip address of your indication.

You can also find a similar article in Charlesproxy. But I had to add in more to fit my needs.

To use HTTP proxy on your iPhone you manually configure the HTTP Proxy settings on your WiFi network in your iPhone's Settings.

Go to the Settings app, tap Wi-Fi, find the network you are connected to and then tap the blue disclosure arrow to configure the network. 

Scroll down to the HTTP Proxy setting, tap Manual. Enter the IP address of your computer in the Server field, and the port (usually 8888). Leave Authentication set to Off.
