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Prepping for iOS Development

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So this blog post is intended for those who are about to dive into iOS Development. I intentionally made this blog for my Bootcamp Training in iOS when I was working in NextIX company.

  1. OOP - since Objective-C is an Object-Oriented Programming Language, it's important to learn the terms and concepts use in the language. Update: It's better if you start with the Fundamentals of Programming
  1. The Objective-C Language - is the primary programming language to create iOS Application.
  1. Swift - this is an update, right now, it's actually a good way to start with Swift, as it's a modern and easier language to learn than Objective-C
  1. MVC - creating Apps in iOS follows a simple yet very effective software architecture pattern - Model-View-Controller Architecture.
  1. iOS Overview - And after all of that, it does not hurt to take a peek or an overview of what would be the roadmap when you will be developing iOS Apps.
You can start reading about it here:A very short Intro:

I figure out that this Bootcamp series may be valuable to other people who want to start in iOS development from concept to publishing an app. At the same time, this is important for me to have some sort of checklist of the process of an app creation up to submitting it in the App Store.
Anyways, if you're just some walk-in visitor and you thought of reading some concepts and overview, I actually prepared this one for that as well.

I won't be making detailed tutorials for all the following pointers (I hope I can revise and make some as well), but I'll provide links where you can start reading. Since a lot of these great tutorials are already available on the web.

So, IMHO, these are some concepts you might want to read, so that it would be easier for you when you start in iOS Development.


And a very detailed book, by of course, from Apple:
