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Semantic Versioning

Understanding Semantic Versioning (SemVer) in Software Development

Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is a versioning scheme that plays a crucial role in software development, providing a clear and standardized way to communicate changes in software. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of SemVer, exploring the problem it aims to solve, its reasoning, and practical examples of its implementation using popular tools.

The Problem: Compatibility and Dependency Management

Compatibility and dependency management are major challenges in software development, especially when multiple projects and libraries rely on each other. Incompatibility issues can arise when different versions of software are used together, leading to bugs, crashes, and other undesirable consequences. This is where Semantic Versioning comes into play, addressing the problem by defining a set of rules and guidelines for version numbers.

The Reasoning: Consistency and Predictability

The main goal of SemVer is to provide developers and users with a consistent and predictable way to understand the implications of version updates. By adhering to SemVer principles, developers can easily determine if a new version of a software is compatible with their existing codebase or if it requires modifications. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free upgrade process, saving time and effort.

The Components of SemVer

SemVer consists of three components, each conveying specific information about the nature of changes in a release:

  1. MAJOR version: Incremented when incompatible changes are introduced. A major version increment indicates breaking changes that may require developers to modify their code to utilize the new version. Major version increments are typically reserved for significant updates involving architectural changes or the removal of deprecated functionality.
  2. MINOR version: Incremented when new features are added in a backward-compatible manner. This means developers can safely upgrade to the new version without making any changes to their existing code. Minor version increments usually signify the addition of new functionality or enhancements that do not break existing code.
  3. PATCH version: Incremented for backward-compatible bug fixes or patches. These updates address issues or bugs in the software without introducing any new features or breaking changes. Patch version increments are generally considered safe to apply, as they provide bug fixes and improvements without requiring modifications to existing code.

Practical Implementation with Tools

To streamline the implementation of SemVer, developers can leverage various tools and conventions. Here are some popular tools that facilitate practical application:

  1. standard-version: This tool automates the versioning process based on the commit history. By analyzing commit messages, it determines the appropriate version increment based on the type of changes made.
  2. release-please: Another powerful tool that automates versioning based on the commit history. It simplifies the release process, making it easier to follow SemVer guidelines.

In addition to these tools, developers can adopt the Conventional Commits format for structuring commit messages. This format provides a clear convention for communicating the nature of changes, making it easier to determine the appropriate version increment. By following the Conventional Commits format, developers can establish a standardized and consistent approach to versioning and change management.

A Practical Example: Applying SemVer in Action

Let's consider a real-life scenario where developers are using packages and implementing Semantic Versioning (SemVer):

Imagine a web development project where the development team is utilizing various packages to enhance their application. One critical package they rely on is a frontend UI library called "AwesomeUI," which is currently at version 1.0.0.

As the project progresses, the team identifies a need for additional features provided by "AwesomeUI." They decide to upgrade to the latest version, which is 2.0.0. However, before making the upgrade, they carefully review the release notes and documentation of version 2.0.0 to ensure that there are no breaking changes that could impact their existing codebase.

After confirming that the upgrade is safe, the team proceeds to update their project to use version 2.0.0 of "AwesomeUI." They make the necessary changes to their code to accommodate any breaking changes introduced in the new version.

In the following weeks, the "AwesomeUI" development team releases version 2.1.0, which introduces several new features and enhancements, such as improved performance and additional customization options. Since these changes are backward-compatible, the team can safely upgrade to version 2.1.0 without modifying their existing code.

As the project nears its completion, the team discovers a minor bug related to a specific component in "AwesomeUI." They report the issue to the "AwesomeUI" community, and the development team promptly releases version 2.1.1, which includes a patch fix for the bug. The team, confident in the backward-compatibility of patch updates, applies the update without hesitation.

Throughout the project, the team maintains diligent documentation of the versions of all packages used, including "AwesomeUI." This ensures that future developers working on the project can easily understand the dependencies and make informed decisions when upgrading or introducing new packages.

By following SemVer guidelines and utilizing the new versions of "AwesomeUI," the development team successfully enhances their web application with the latest features, maintains compatibility with their existing codebase, and resolves any issues encountered along the way.

This scenario showcases the practical implementation of Semantic Versioning in a real-life software development project, highlighting the importance of understanding version changes and ensuring compatibility when utilizing packages.


Semantic Versioning (SemVer) plays a vital role in software development, enabling clear communication of changes and facilitating compatibility and dependency management. By following the guidelines of SemVer and utilizing tools like standard-version and release-please, developers can ensure consistent versioning practices and seamless software upgrades. Adopting the Conventional Commits format further enhances the clarity of change communication. Embracing SemVer empowers developers and users to make informed decisions about software updates, leading to more robust and efficient software development processes.

For more detailed information on Semantic Versioning, you can refer to the official SemVer website.

Next time, we'll try to create a script to utilize Conventional commits and standard-version package to automate our release process so it can document our Changelog and maintain our repositories version tagging.
