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Automators for scaling iOS Images

If you're creating a Mobile Application that supports the two famous platforms, iOS and Android, and you want it native. You need to really have different scaled images for an optimal experience, especially in Android which screen sizes you don't know the limits. One way to speed this up is through Automator, an application that is present in Mac OS.

The workflow so far.

Create or ask your design team to create the largest images possible, And with that set of images automate the scaling with Automator. If you're developing in Windows or Linux, there should be a similar way to do this through scripting.

Create your Automator Application.

(This is a Sample Workflow for Unretina Images, where you input Images that are Retina (iOS). And it will produce two copies with the renamed @2x and the original name)

After extracting the images. (If you want to create set of images with naming conventions. see this post.)

Drag the images to your Automator Application. It should create images with different scales.

After that organise it the way you want it.
